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Journalist, he has been working as a press and communication advisor since 2001 through his company Verbena Comunicação, focused on serving the areas of culture, gastronomy, health, advertising and events. With experience in press relations for the area of culture, he has worked as a consultant for prominent performances in the State of São Paulo, as well as providing assistance to institutions such as Sesc São Paulo, among others. She is responsible for communicating, among others, the São Paulo Ibero American Theater Festival (2012/2013), online concert seasons by Filó Machado, Felipe Machado, Beba Trio, VerDe Perto - O Musical Ecológico, Brasileirinhos - Music for Os Bichos do Brasil, in the dance spectacle A Vida das Bonecas Vivas, live season of shows by Filó Machado for the units of Sesi SP (2021) and Festival SP Choro in Jazz (2021) , Festival SP Roots Music (2021), and Festival das Marias – International Feminine Arts Festival (since 2020).

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