Bachelor of Tourism from the School of Communications and Arts (USP), he highlights within his trajectory academic exchanges and sociocultural projects in Canada and Italy. Founder of Casa de Abelha Cultural (2014), a company specializing in career management, sales of concerts and launching of new musical products, she currently works with singers Marina de la Riva, Bruna Caram and in sales of concerts by the band Sepultura and the singer gospel Marcos Almeida. Focusing on the public sector, SESC circuit and public and private notices, CDA Cultural develops projects such as Youth Week in the Municipality of São Caetano do Sul, curatorship and executive production of Estância Cultural, MuMov Festival and release of albums and tours throughout Brazil. He also works as a public relations officer for Estúdio Baeta and manages the Pollen de Creativity coworking in São Bernardo do Campo. During the period of social isolation, due to the new covid19, he produced the Festival Online Lá de Casa.